The Organisation’s strategy for the economic revival of Lebanon spans 54 pages. 

The document setting forth the Organisation’s strategy is strictly confidential but below is a summary of its salient components.

Operation – At the heart of the Organisation’s strategy lies a transformative lifeline for the Lebanese economy, wresting control from the clutches of corruption and entrusting it to a cadre of adept strategists dedicated to upholding integrity.  The Organisation would stand as the bridge between strategists’ actions and the mandated superpower’s oversight, ensuring that each sector of the nation is steered with unyielding strength, integrity, and efficiency. Together, the Organisation and the mandated superpower would forge a path toward prosperity and resilience in every corner of Lebanon.

Funding – Central to the Organisation’s strategy is a dual approach to funding: traditional cash subscriptions and the recognition of latent value within dormant bank deposits. Through meticulously crafted public-private partnership structures, the strategy aims to unlock these resources, positioning them to drive business efficiency and yield substantial dividends. 

Efficiency and sustainability – The Organisation’s vision extends beyond mere financial benefits, however, as it is committed to fostering sustainable growth, promoting efficiency, reducing waste, and combating corruption. Through these efforts, the strategy aims to create thousands of meaningful employment opportunities, empowering individuals and communities alike.

Self-sufficiency – What sets the Organisation’s plan apart is its self-sufficiency. Unlike traditional approaches reliant on burdensome World Bank / International Monetary Fund debt or foreign aid, its strategy stands independently resilient. Even amidst the challenges of bankruptcy, the Orgnisation’s strategy remains resolutely self-funding via the aforementioned capital structures and potentially through programmes akin to the Marshall Plan, a testament to its robustness and ingenuity.